October 2024



A concert of variety not to miss! Andrew Field, Baritone, and Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, join forces again with Chorale Diapason, directed by Annie Jarrige, to bring you a great evening's entertainment consisting of a variety of music from new to old.  Saturday 26th October 2024 at 8.00 pm in the church of Payzac (24). Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end. 

August 2024


Les nuages d'or

A concert with a mix of classical songs and arias. With Esther Croezen, dramaric soprano, and Andrew Field, Baritone. A wonderful evening of truly great music. Saturday the 3rd of August 2024 at 8.00pm in the beautiful church of Saint Cyr-les-Champagnes (24). Ad mission is free of charge with a collection at the end.

July 2024


Entre Nous

With Hélène Soulingeas, soprano, and Andrew Field, baritone. A selection of classic songs and arias travelling the pathway of all those who have ever loved!  Saturday 28th July 2024 at 4.00 pm in the Abbey of saint Amand de Coly  (24). Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end.



Collage Musical !

Another chance to see the very successful concert. The two choirs, The Ayen Voices and Ensemble Vocale de Terrasson, accompanied by Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, and Andrew Field, Baritone, bring you a feast of music from across the range of classical to contemporary. 8.00 pm Saturday 6th July 2024 in La Prieurale, St Piere & St Pardoux, Arnac-Pompadour, 19. Admission is free with a collection at the end. 

 June 2024


Collage Musical!

A concert not to miss! The two choirs, The Ayen Voices and Ensemble Vocale de Terrasson, accompanied by Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, and Andrew Field, Baritone, bring you a feast of music from across the range of classical to contemporary. 8.00 pm Saturday 8th June 2024 in the beautiful church of St Agnan, 24. Admission is free with a collection at the end. 

April 2024


Collage Musical!

A concert not to miss! The two choirs, The Ayen Voices and Ensemble Vocale de Terrasson, accompanied by Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, and Andrew Field, Baritone, bring you a feast of music from across the range of classical to contemporary. 8.00 pm saturday 20th April 2024 in the beautiful church of St Cyr-les-Champagnes, 24. Admission is free with a collection at the end. 

March 2024


Springtime concert

This concert is presented by The Association Manoir des Muses.

Enselble Vocale de Terrasson present their first concert of the season in the beautiful church at Azerat conducted by Andrew Field.  Saturday the 23rd of March at 8.00 pm. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end.

A diverse and varied programme with music to suit all. Come and see us and enjoy a great moment of music.


February 2023


Après un rêve

This concert is presented with The Association Manoir des Muses.

A new concert for 2023 with Hélène Soulingeas and Andrew Field.  A selection of classical songs and opera arias that take us on a journey of dreams, hope and love. Saturday 4th February 2023 at 8.00 pm in the Church of Azerat (24). Entry is free of charge with a collection at the end.


Libre comme l'aire

This concert is presented in association with The New Danse Studio, Brive la Gaillard.

A collaboration between The New Danse Studio of Brive-la-Gaillarde and Baron Opera brings the world of music and dance together in spectacular style. In the Chapelle Saint Libéral, 9 rue de Correze, Brive la Gaillard, 19100. The concert begins at 5.00 pm. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end of the concert.


March 2023


Après un rêve

A new concert for 2023 with Hélène Soulingeas and Andrew Field.  A selection of classical songs and opera arias that take us on a journey of dreams, hope and love. Saturday 25th March 2023 at 8.00 pm in the Church of Saint Cyr-les-Champagnes (24). Entry is free of charge with a collection at the end.


April 2023


Après un rêve

A new concert for 2023 with Hélène Soulingeas and Andrew Field.  A selection of classical songs and opera arias that take us on a journey of dreams, hope and love. Saturday 22nd April 2023 at 8.00 pm in the Church of Cublac (19). Entry is free of charge with a collection at the end.


July 2023


Après un rêve

A new concert for 2023 with Hélène Soulingeas and Andrew Field.  A selection of classical songs and opera arias that take us on a journey of dreams, hope and love. Saturday 08th July 2023 at 8.00 pm in the Priory St Pierre & St Pardoux, Arnac-Pompadour. (19). Entry is free of charge with a collection at the end. This concert is made in association with the comité des fêtes od Arnac-Pompadour.


Music festival, The Arboretum La Tuillière

Grand open air festival of music in the grounds of the Arboretum La Tuillière, 19310, Ayen. Beginning at 3 pm ending at 7 pm. Ther is a bar and food available. Entry is free. For more details contact the Arboretum directly at tuilliere.nl.

August 2023


Concert at Saint Julien le Vendômois to be announced

Andrew Field and Anne-Charlotte Montville.


Après un rêve

With Hélène Soulingeas and Andrew Field.  A selection of classical songs and opera arias that take us on a journey of dreams, hope and love. Saturday 26th August 2023 at 5.00 pm in the Church of Saint Raphaël (24). Entry is free of charge with a collection at the end. This concert is made in association with the comité des fêtes of st Raphaël.

September 2023

17th      Concert cancelled due to illness.

Après un rêve

With Hélène Soulingeas and Andrew Field.  A selection of classical songs and opera arias that take us on a journey of dreams, hope and love. Sunday 17th September 2023 at 4.00 pm in the Church of Saint Amand le Coly (13). Entry is free of charge with a collection at the end.  The concert in a 12th century fortified abbey overlooking the entire village of Saint Amand de Coly, classified as one of the most beautiful villages in France.

30th      Concert cancelled due to illness.

Après un rêve

With Hélène Soulingeas and Andrew Field.  A selection of classical songs and opera arias that take us on a journey of dreams, hope and love. Saturday 30th September 2023 at 8.00 pm in the Church of Payzac (24). Entry is free of charge with a collection at the end.

October 2023


Grand concert of music from across the classical repertoire.

Baron Opera in association with Chorale Diapason. In the Church of Saint Cyr-les-Champagnes. 21st October at 8.00 pm. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end.

December 2023


Noël à Juillac.

Music to set the mood for a perfect Christmas after the wonderful Christmas market at Juillac 2nd December. Beginning at 17h30 in the beautiful church in the town centre. Sung by 'The Ayen Voices' with Hélène Soulingeas, Sophie Jauliac and Andrew Field. Admission is libre with a collection at the end. We look forward to seeing you there.


Paris-Broadway Express to Christmas!

A roller coaster of a concert with music from all genres of music from Popular to classic, brought to you by Hélène Soulingeas, Andrew Field and the various tallents of The Ayen Voices. 10th December 2023 at 3.00 pm. La Conserverie, Lubersac. Tickets are available at the box office of 'La Conserverie'. On line, laconcerverie.lubersacpompadour.fr or by telephone. 05 55 73 20 00


Concert de Noël.

With the Ensemble Vocal de Terrasson. The Church od Bersac (Le Lardin St Lazare). 4 pm. A selection of Christmas carols, old and new with some you can join in with. Plus a beautiful piano solo by Maureen McLeod. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end. Come and enjoy this wonderful Christmas concert with us.


Prevoius years

April 2022


Poems & Prayers

An evening of songs and airs inspired by beautiful poetry and divine prayers. 30th April 2022 at 8.30 pm in the Church of Saint Cyr - les - Champagnes, 24270, Dordogne. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end of the concert. Sung by Esther Croezen, Soprano and Andrew Field, Baritone. This concert is given in association with The Arboretum la Tuillière, 19310, Ayen.

June 2022


Spectaculaire  Comédie Musicale Américaine

An evening filled with some of the greatest solos, duets and choruses from the American Musicals, such as; Oklahoma, Calamity Jane and many more. 04th June 2022 at 8.30 pm in the salle des fêtes, Juillac, 19350. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end of the concert. Sung by Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, Andrew Field, Baritone and The Ayen Voices. This concert is given in association with The Arboretum La Tuillière, 19310, Ayen.

July 2022


Libre Comme l'air

Manoir des Tours at Allassac.

A collaboration between The New Danse Studio of Brive-la-Gaillarde and Baron Opera brings the world of music and dance together in spectacular style. 12th July at 18h30, Manoir des Tours at Allassac. 19240. Entrance is free of charge with a collection at the end. (Please note, there is a limited supply of chairs for those of limited mobility. To be sure of a seat, it is best if you bring a small folding chair with you).


Libre Comme l'air

Chateau de Pompadour. Please note: This concert has been postponed due to circumstances beyond our control. The concert will be rescheduled.

A collaboration between The New Danse Studio of Brive-la-Gaillarde and Baron Opera brings the world of music and dance together in spectacular style.  Manoir des Chateau de Pompadour. 19230. Entrance is free of charge with a collection at the end. (Please note, there is a limited supply of chairs for those of limited mobility. To be sure of a seat, it is best if you bring a small folding chair with you).


Festival of Music at the Arboretum

An afternoon and evening of music of all kinds. This concert is presented by The Arboretum La Tuillière, 19310, Ayen and is presented in the grounds of this beautiful park. Contrubutors to this musical feast will be, Andrew Field, Baritone, Hélène Soulingeas, Sorpano, Esther Croezen, Soprano, The Ayen Voices, David Dowling and his Arboretum Blues Band, Jonathan Alford, Piano, The Van Mil family and more. For more details please visit the website of The Arboretum La Tuillière www.tuilliere.fr.

August 2022


Spectaculaire  Comédie Musicale Américaine

An evening filled with some of the greatest solos, duets and choruses from the American Musicals, such as; Oklahoma, Calamity Jane and many more. 20th August 2022 at 5.00 pm in the church of Saint Raphaël, 24160. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end of the concert. Sung by Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, Andrew Field, Baritone and The Ayen Voices. This concert is given in association with The Comité des fêtes, Saint Raphaël, 24160.


Libre Comme l'air

Orgnac Château de Comborn. 

A collaboration between The New Danse Studio of Brive-la-Gaillarde and Baron Opera brings the world of music and dance together in spectacular style. 25th July at 6.30 pm. Entrance is free of charge with a collection at the end. (Please note, there is a limited supply of chairs for those of limited mobility. To be sure of a seat, it is best if you bring a small folding chair with you).


Libre Comme l'air

Saint Robert. In the gardens behind the church

A collaboration between The New Danse Studio of Brive-la-Gaillarde and Baron Opera brings the world of music and dance together in spectacular style. 26th July at 6.30 pm. Entrance is free of charge with a collection at the end. (Please note, there is a limited supply of chairs for those of limited mobility. To be sure of a seat, it is best if you bring a small folding chair with you).



Saint Paul la Roche

To round off the wonderful Contemporary Art Exhibition, Baron Opera is proud to present In association with The arts of Saint Paul. This concert entitled, Emotions. A selection of songs and Arias that draw inspiration from the art works from the exhibition. Sung by Hélène Soulingeas, soprano and Andrew Field, Baritone. Sunday 28th August at 4.00 pm in the beautiful church of Saint Paul la Roche. For more details about the exhibition please contact Mme HECKELMANN at exposaintpaul@gmail.com or visit www.facebook.com/lesartsasaintpaul/



Church of Saint Sour, Terrasson-Lavilledieu (24)

Le Chemins de l'Amour

A concert of songs and arias that follow the pathway of love. Sometimes sweet, sometimes tender and sometimes sad. 4th September at 5.30 pm in the church of Saint Sour, Terrasson-Lavilledieu (24). Sung by Hélène Soulingeas, soprano and Andrew Field, Baritone. Entrance is free of charge with a collection at the end.




Saint Cyr les Champagnes

A collaboration between The New Danse Studio of Brive-la-Gaillarde and Baron Opera brings the world of music and dance together in spectacular style. 2nd October at 5.00 pm. Entrance is free of charge with a collection at the end.




Christmas concert


The Enseble Vocale de Terrasson, conducted by Andrew Field will perform a variety of Christmas carols and songs. The church of Cublac (24) 10th December at 8.30 pm. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end.



St Julien le Vendomois

Baron Opera in collaboration with the Mayor's office of St Julien le Vendomois present 'Lyrique Spectacilaire' with Anne-Charlotte Montville and Andrew Field. The church of St Julien le Vendomois (24) 11th December at 3.00 pm. Admission is free with a collection at the end.


Christmas concert for All!

St Cyr-les-Champagnes

Baron Opera presente A Christmas Concert with something for everyone! The Salle des fêtes St Cyr-les-Champagnes (24). 17th December at 7.30 pm. Admission is free with a collection at the end.


Christmas concert

Saint Raphaël

The Enseble Vocale de Terrasson, conducted by Andrew Field will perform a variety of Christmas carols and songs. The church of Saint Raphaël (24) 18th December at 5.00 pm. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end.

There are more concerts being added all the time. Please visit the site regularly for updates.

Previous Years

August 2021


Paris - Broadway Express

A concert that crosses the Atlantic, with music from the Musical Theatre of New York's Broadway to the Opera House of Paris. With pieces from Calamity Jane and The Pajama Game to the mélodies of Poulenc and Puccini. There is something for everyone. 5th August 2021 at 8.30 pm under 'La Halle' (opposite the church), Payac 24270 Dordogne France.  Admission is free with a collection at the end of the concert. Sung by, Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano and Andrew Field, baritone. This concert is given in association with the Mairie of Payzac. This concert is also in aid of the charity ARSEP. 25% of all profits will be donated to the charity.



American Musical Spectaculaire

This concert is all out American Musical. A selection of the great numbers, both solo and chorus, from some of the greatest shows from the United States, including The Pajama Game, Calamity Jane, Man of la Mancha, Oklahoma and more.  7th August 2021 at 5.00 pm in the Church of Saint Raphaël 24160 Dordogne France.  Admission is free with a collection at the end of the concert. Sung by, Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano and Andrew Field, baritone and the Ayen Vocal Group. This concert is given in association with the Committee des fêtes of Saint Raphaël. After the concert the committee des fêtes offer a drinks reception. More information on this on the day from the committee des fêtes.


October 2021


"Souviens-toi" (Remember)

A mixture of music from classical songs to Operatic arias reflecting on love lost and found. The first part of the concert is a recital by Andrew of the 'Songs of Travel' by Vaughan-Williams. In the second part Andrew is joined by Hélène to continue this voyage of remembering. In the beautiful Church of Saint Cyr-les-Champagnes, 24270. 2nd October at 8.30pm. (The concert must begin on time as it is being live streamed on the internet to different countries). Entry is Free of Charge with a collection at the end.



Paris - Broadway Express

A concert that crosses the Atlantic, with music from the Musical Theatre of New York's Broadway to the Opera House of Paris. With pieces from Calamity Jane and The Pajama Game to the mélodies of Poulenc and Puccini. There is something for everyone. 30th October 2021 at 8.30 pm in the beautiful church f Beyssenac 19230 Correze France.  Admission is free with a collection at the end of the concert. Sung by, Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano and Andrew Field, baritone. This concert is given in association with the Mayor's office of Beyssenac.



Christmas Concert

Here is the Christmas concert that should have happened last year!! A spectacular evening of Christmas music for everyone. Presented by Baron Opera in association with the Mayor's office, this concert includes Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, Andrew Field, Baritone, The Ayen Voices, The Van Mil Family and David Dowling and his Christmas Blues Brothers!!!! Truly an evening not to be missed!! Admission is free with a collection at the end for the artists. Saturday 18th December at 20h30 in the salle des fêtes Saint Cyr-les-Champagnes 24270 Dordogne France. Bring anything festive, like a Christmas costume or Reindeer or something to enhance the Christmas joy!!


Christmas Concert

A selection of favorite Christmas carols, old and new, as well as a range of music from around the world that you can all participate in. A truly universal event with Hélène Soulingeas, soprano and Andrew Field, Baritone and Chorale Diapason directed by Annie Jarige. December 19, 2021 at 4.30 p.m. in the church of Saint Raphaël 24160 Dordogne France. (the church is heated). This concert is given in association with the Saint Raphaël Festival Committee.


MARCH 2020


The music of Saint Cyr les Champagnes  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

A concert of great diversity given by Andrew Field and his students, choir and friends. With music from the classics through musical theatre to popular music, this concert has something for everyone. 28th March 2020 at 20h30 in the church of Saint Cyr les Champagnes, 24270. Admission is free with a collection at the end of the concert.


MAY 2020

2nd  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

Delights of the opera 2020!!!

An evening of some of the greatest music from the opera. With Chloé Lacroix, mezzo-soprano and Andrew Field, baritone. The salle des fêtes, Juillac, 19350. Saturday 2nd May 2020 at 830 pm. Admission is free with a collection at the end of the concert.


16th  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible

Delights of the opera 2020!!!

An evening of some of the greatest music from the opera. With Chloé Lacroix, mezzo-soprano and Andrew Field, baritone. The church of Saint Didier of Chaulnes, Chaulnes, 80320. 8.30 P.M.

Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.


JUNE 2020

27th  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

"A Night at the Opera" 

An evening of some of the most celebrated arias and choruses from the world of grand opera. With Andrew Field, Baritone, Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano and Chorale Diapason conducted by Annie Jarrige. The church of  Saint Thomas. Rue Jean Chavoix, 24160, Excideuil.  27th June 2020 at 8.30 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.


JULY 2020

3rd  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

"Opéra Manifique" (Part of the Music Festival of Segur le Chateau).

An evening of arias and duets from the greatest operas sung by, Anne-Charlotte Montville, soprano, Chloé Lacroix, mezzo-soprano, and Andrew Field, Baritone. Plus piano solos by Olivier Cangelosi.

This concert is in the courtyard of the chateau.  3rd July 2020 at 8.30 pm.  Admission 12€ on the night of the concert only.  (Please note. This is an outdoor concert.  In the event of rain the concert will be cancelled).


11th  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

“Music for Simon”

11 July 2020 8.30 pm. The Church. Sarrazac 24800

A Concert of songs and arias from Fauré and Poulenc to Verdi and Puccini.  With Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano and Andrew Field, Baritone.

This is a charity concert is given in memory of Simon Fenn, the director of the Sarrazac Arts and Music association who, sadly, passed away in 2019 with all profits going to ‘la puce à l'oreille’ Lanouaille. An association dedicated to giving children access to music and the arts.

Admission is 10 € at the door, the night of the concert.





"Delights of the Opera". With Chloé Lacroix, Mezzo-soprano and Andrew Field, Baritone. 1st  August 2020 at 8.30 pm. At the Church in PAYZAC (24). Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end. 







« Les Chemins de l’Amour ». Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

A selection of songs and arias traversing the often beautiful but sometimes tragic pathway of love. With Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, and Andrew Field, Baritone. The church of BEYSSENAC (19). 17th October 2020 at 8.30 pm. Admission is Free of charge with a collection at the end.


« Les Chemins de l’Amour ». Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

A selection of songs and arias traversing the often beautiful but sometimes tragic pathway of love. With Hélène Soulingeas, Soprano, and Andrew Field, Baritone. Saint Robert (19). 31st October 2020 at 8.30 pm. Admission is Free of charge with a collection at the end.

November 2020

14th      This is the recreation of the concert that was postponed from the 2nd May

Delights of the opera 2020!!!  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

An evening of some of the greatest music from the opera. With Chloé Lacroix, mezzo-soprano and Andrew Field, baritone. The salle des fêtes, Juillac, 19350. Saturday 14th November 2020 at 830 pm. Admission is free with a collection at the end of the concert.

December 2020


Christmas at Saint Cyr Les Champagnes  Please note: This concert is postponed due to the coronavirus. A new date will be published as soon as possible. 

A spectacular concert of Christmas music for everyone. With Andrew Field, Hélène Soulingeas, Sophie Hicks, David Dowling, the Van Mil family, Ayen pop choir and the children's choir of 'La puce de l'oreille'.  The salle des fêtes, Saint Cyr les Champagnes, 8.30 pm. Admission is free of charge with a collection at the end of the concert.



December 2017

23rd    Private Christmas party

31st     Private New Year’s party

January 2018

13th     Private Birthday party

21st     Baptism


11th     Private dinner party


21st    Private dinner party

29th    Public Concert

“The Variations of the life of a Baritone”.  Salle de fête, Juillac, 19350. 3.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

May 2018

12th   Public Concert

"A night at the opera, with a twist of double-bass", with guest performers Sarah Poole and David Heyes, with Andrew Field and Antoine Metelin. Collégiale de Saint Leonard-de-Noblat. 87400. 8.30 P.M. Admission 15 euros by ticket/programme bought on the night only. (children under 12 enter for free).

June 2018

17th  Public Concert

“The Variations of the life of a Baritone”.  The church of Saint Didier of Chaulnes, Chaulnes, 80320. 3.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

July 2018

15th    Public Concert

“The Variations of the life of a Baritone”. The church, Sarrazac, 24800. 5.00 P.M. Please telephone Sarrazac Arts et Musiques association for seat reservations and information on 06 16 83 53 74.  Information also available on Sarrazac Arts et Musiques Facebook page and website sarrazac24800.com.


August 2018

12th   Public Concert

“The Variations of the life of a Baritone”. The church of Saint Madeleine, Ayen, 19310. 3.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

September 2018

15th   Public Concert

“The Variations of the life of a Baritone”. The church of Saint Sauvier, Payzac, 24270. 8.30 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

October 2018

21st   Public Concert

“The Variations of the life of a Baritone”. The church of Saint Barthelemy, Objat , 19130. 5.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

February 2019

16th  Public Concert

Commemorative ceremony for members of the French resistance at the Moulin de la Résistance du pont Lasveyras wuth Ensemble Vocal du Pays de Pompadour. 3.00 pm.

April 2019

7th   Public Concert

'A Night at the Opera'. An afternoon of some of the most celebrated arias and choruses from the world of grand opera. With Andrew Field, Baritone, Chloé Lacroix, Mezzo-Soprano and Chorale Diapason conducted by Annie Jarrige. The church of Saint Léger du Baillargeau, Segur - le - Chateau, 19230.

3.30 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.


28th   Public Concert

'A Night at the opera with a touch of Double-bass'. With Andrew Field, Baritone, Sarah Poole, Soprano, and David Heyes, Double-Bass. An afternoon of some of the most celebrated arias from the world of grand opera with virtuoso performances by David Heyes on the Double-Bass.  Salle de fête, Juillac, 19350. 5.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.


May 2019

12th  Public Concert

“The Baritone Heroes and villains on the opera”.  The church of Saint Didier of Chaulnes, Chaulnes, 80320. 5.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

18th  Public Concert

Farnham England. Details to follow.

19th  Public Concert

Farnham England. Details to follow.

June 2019

1st  Public Concert

“The Variations of the life of a baritone”.  The church of Saint Medard d'Excideuil, 24160.

8.30 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

16th  Public Concert

Choral Festival at the Arboretum de la tuillie, 19310, Ayen

July 2019

7th  Public Concert

“The Baritone Heroes and villains on the opera”. The church, Sarrazac, 24800. 5.00 P.M. Due to tragic sircumstances this concert has been postponed. From all at Baron Opera, we send our condolences.

21st  Public Concert

“The Baritone Heroes and villains on the opera”. The church of Saint Jean Baptiste, 8 Rue Emile de Girardin, 23400, Bourganeuf.  5.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

August 2019

17th  Public Concert

“The Baritone Heroes and villains on the opera”. The church, Perpezac le Blanc. 19310. 4.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

September 2019

14th  Public Concert

"A Night at the Opera" 

An evening of some of the most celebrated arias and choruses from the world of grand opera. With Andrew Field, Baritone, Chloé Lacroix, Mezzo-Soprano and Chorale Diapason conducted by Annie Jarrige. The collegiale of Saint Yrieix la Perche, 9 rue des Plaisances, 87500, Saint Yrieix la Perche.

8.30 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

29th  Public Concert

“The Baritone Heroes and villains on the opera”.

This Concert is presented on the terrace outside the Salle Rousseau beside the church. Yes, this concert is outside!!  The forecast is good but in the event of bad weather the concert will continue inside the Salle Rousseau.

Salle Rousseau. Saint Robert. 19310. 5.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.


October 2019

12th  Public Concert

'A Night at the opera with a touch of Double-bass'. With Andrew Field, Baritone, Sarah Poole, Soprano, and David Heyes, Double-Bass. An afternoon of some of the most celebrated arias from the world of grand opera with virtuoso performances by David Heyes on the Double-Bass.  The church, Saint Cyr-les-Champagnes, 24270. 5.00 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

19th  Public Concert

"A Night at the Opera" 

An evening of some of the most celebrated arias and choruses from the world of grand opera. With Andrew Field, Baritone, Chloé Lacroix, Mezzo-Soprano and Chorale Diapason conducted by Annie Jarrige. The church, Beyssenac 19230.

8.30 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.


2nd  Public Concert

“The Heroes and villains on the opera”.  The church of Saint-Pierre-es-Liens, Place du souvenir, Lanouaille, 24270. 8.30 P.M. Admission is free with  a collection at the end of the concert.

More dates to follow soon.